Capita Symonds Acquires Andrew Martin Associates

Capita Symonds announces the acquisition of town planning and urban design consultants Andrew Martin Associates, which will complement their existing planning and environmental offering. Andrew Martin Associates (AMA) - with offices in London, Chelmsford and Nottingham - employs 40 chartered town planners, urban designers, landscape designers and environmental planners offering advice on a wide range of planning, development, regeneration and environmental matters.

The acquisition of the two companies was for an undisclosed sum. AMA's recent projects include: Colchester Garrison Regeneration PFI, Colchester, Essex. AMA were retained by RMPA Services to undertake and co-ordinate the planning and urban design of the development of a new army Garrison and subsequent redevelopment of surplus Ministry of Defence land for a new 'urban village' comprising 2,600 homes, employment, community, retail, open space and leisure uses to the south of Colchester in Essex.

Beaulieu Park, Springfield, Essex. AMA have been lead consultants providing planning advice for a major sustainable urban extension at north east Chelmsford. This comprises mixed uses featuring up to 4,000 homes, 50,000sqm of business space, a new railway station and a major transport interchange. Beaulieu Park is on of the first schemes of its kind to be promoted through the new LDF process and is included in the adopted Core Strategy.

A planning application including an Environmental Statement is to be submitted shortly. Rykneld Road, Derby. In 2006 AMA was instructed to prepare a Supplementary Planning Document on behalf of Derby City Council, Miller Homes and William Davis for this 33ha site.

The proposals included 1,000 dwellings, a primary school, 1.4ha business park and extension to an existing neighbourhood centre. Following adoption of the SPD, AMA led the EIA and outline planning application submission. Work is ongoing to secure outline planning permission. Mark Hirst, Director of Development, Transport and Environment, Capita Symonds said: "We are delighted to welcome AMA to Capita Symonds".

"Planning and urban design are at the heart of the development process and AMA's established reputation and strong pipeline of projects will be a significant boost to our profile in this sector". Andrew Martin, Managing Director, AMA said: "We are excited to be joining Capita Symonds". "This will open up new opportunities for AMA, both in terms of geographical spread and the comprehensive range of disciplines that we can offer to clients". "This will be particularly valuable as the development industry emerges from the recession to meet the need for sustainable growth".


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