Measurement Systems Spot Problem Components

The ability to integrate multiaxis systems and controllers allows different faces of the parts can be simultaneously measured, matching the production timing. Automotive industry parts and assembly quality standards have moved from sigma level sampling to zero defect requirements This can be achieved through a combination of containment through 100% inspections (eliminating bad parts) and correction through immediate feedback and adjustment

Manufacturers of critical parts and assemblies such as airbags, wheel bearings and pistons have achieved this by adding SMAC XYZ measurement systems to their inline manufacturing process. These linear motor based systems incorporate a "softland" capability that removes the need for expensive probes. Volumes up to 100mm3 can be covered by a single system.

Robust guiding and the direct drive linear motor greatly reduce the need for periodic offsets, which are a major problem with standard commercial CMMs. The ability to integrate multiaxis systems and controllers allows different faces of the parts can be simultaneously measured, matching the production timing.

SMAC devices can be used in machine shop floor environments where the presence of oil often causes CMM systems to fail. All SMAC controllers allow the output of variable data in a variety of formats that the user can configure in their program.

This allows easy interfacing with another system. The system integration of the high-volume individual SMAC moving coil actuators combined with in house development of key components including encoders makes the systems cost-effective solutions to 100% verification of parts and assemblies.


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